Our return that furlough was probably the most amazing welcome I can ever recall. There were over sixty friends at the airport and after we greeted everyone, someone started singing accapella till many joined in the refrain from Amazing Grace:
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come
Tis grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace will lead me home".
Neil is "home" in Papua New Guinea tonight and heading to the village tomorrow. He got to Ukarumpa and visited friends, picked up the Gospel of John, 1, 2, 3 John and Jude and purchased supplies. The computer adaptor was left behind in the rush so Johanna had a new one made and he was able to send this photo from the Smith's computer before he headed out. Here he is with our friend Susie and her husband Leo, who buried their oldest daughter recently. Susie worked in our house enabling me to work on translation and we became quite close friends and daily prayer partners. Their faith is amazing.
Before Neil left, we had the blessing of attending Minister's Institute in Falmouth for three days. We had never attended before and it was refreshing to our souls. I sat there at one point and felt really joyful. It's been a long time since I have felt joyful. I have had moments when I could see the light on the horizon, but not a time when I had a clear sense of vision for what lies ahead or even a renewed sense of energy. There was a tremendous focus on waiting on God and prayer and I needed that message to remind "my help comes from the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
So now we enter the time of silence when it is not possible to get messages in or out. I have a number of meetings over the next few days but Tony has been super helpful and we are reading through Mark together. Those who know the history of the work, know that every time we have tried to bring scripture to people, something extraordinary has happened to challenge or delay the delivery of the scripture. We cannot give up now with the New Testament so close to completion and the people so eager for the Word. So I look back at and remind myself that God who oversaw the break-ins, assaults, accident and robbery and sees all that transpired before and after, is the same Lord who has promised to "see us home".
I love Pslam 84 where we are told "Blessed are those who strength is the Lord, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage". My own strength is long expended but His is not. OK pilgrims...let's go.