Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunny Days are Here Again

It’s end of June and at Bobiufa that means we have sun, sun, sun. In fact, it has rained but twice in the last six weeks. You are probably thinking that is a wonderful relief to us, but as we rely on collected rain water in our home for cooking, washing and all manners of plumbing, a lack of regular rainfall means we must either “stretch or fetch”. So when I awoke this morning and the sky was dark, I was feeling rather optimistic. Alas, it cleared and it was not long before the sun was out in full force and I was ducking for shade.
This week we are doing all the non-translation activities that we need to finish before our Mesem friends move back in with us for another month or more. We’re working on another evangelism course at the University of Goroka, and we’ve got forms for one thing or another coming out our ears, along with the usual repairs of things that just were repaired but the repair didn’t hold (Sound familiar?). We need to get some quotations on the printing of Sunday School materials as well as some courses for the correspondence Bible program in which friends have recently enrolled.
Today has had some lighter moments . I planted tomatoes and this time had the wisdom to mark it “off limits”. I learned the need for that when friends “helped” me by weeding our garden unasked. I lost my second basil plant and my third parsley to non-basil and non-parsley eaters. When I came back in, Tony announced we had a minor crisis as the dog was playing with the kittens. The dog and cat are quite close and he licks her new born kittens. Today, however, he decided to play hide and seek. He picked up the kittens in his mouth, deposited them in various corners around the house and we had to find them all again. We got the first three pretty quickly, and of course another was still in his mouth. The last one took the better part of a half hour to locate and it had found refuge beside the dresser. The dog and cat seemed unphased but at least one of the kittens was a bit rattled and rather wet from the dog’s drooling on it.
Best get back to work now but wanted to share our hide and seek adventure. It’s a great day to be alive and enjoying the life the Lord has given us.