Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dedication Dates and Other Moving Targets

For months now we've been looking forward to announcing a date when the dedication of the New Testament will be a reality.  Recent political changes in Papua New Guinea have affected our ability to pin down the date.  The elections are a time of significant unrest and would be a huge distraction from something as important as the Mesem scriptures being distributed.

Last week a decision was made to postpone the dedication until January 2013.  While it is yet another delay, it is one that was not unforeseen by the Lord. Our current plan, Lord willing, is for Neil to return to Papua New Guinea when the New Testaments are due to arrive, and ensure they are securely stored until we can return for dedication.  When we do dedicate, Neil will need to spend about two months in the interior distributing the scriptures and teach people how to use the helps.

During this time we are asking the Lord's guidance as to our next steps. We are sure we are called to remain in missions but have been given three choices all of which we want to take as from Him and consider in prayer.  We believe we know where we are to land long term, but would the Lord like us to "linger a bit" and help other works in Papua New Guinea move forward? 

A long awaited newsletter will soon be out. We've joked that dates in PNG, like wild pigs, are moving targets. We will be as relieved as you when we have a firm date on which all church leaders agree!