Sunday, September 14, 2008

You Do All Things Well

It was a year ago in August that we arrived in the US. We were exhausted. The death of friends and family overshadowed what was already a year of constant stress. Yet we had experienced God's mercy in Neil's miraculous survival when his neck was crushed in a horrific accident and he was so severely injured that plastic surgery was necessary to ensure his survival. The robbery that occurred while Neil and the driver were on the roadside was almost a "non-event" as it paled in comparision to everything else that happened. To be honest, I thought to myself, "There is nothing left to take and I have nothing left to give". While it would be wonderful to say that as human beings we never hit that point, it would not be honest. Only One does "all things well".

One year later I want to say to our God, "You do all things well".

Last year I couldn't see how to move an inch forward. It had to be done, but there was still so much to do and no inner strength with which to do it. Yet we are told that His strength is made perfect in weakness and so we have experienced it. I remember when one of our leaders said to us, "You might feel like you are falling, but you are falling into a safety net."

One year later, as the tickets are booked for Neil to bring scripture back to PNG, and I am working on translation again, and we have been commissioned, and I have been ordained, and Tony is reminding us to pick up friends for youth group....what can I say but "He does all things well".

Neil needed the extra time because we faced enourmous stress when we returned to PNG and in attempting to complete the checking of Matthew there was never a moment when he was without emotional pressure which would have helped him to physically heal. I needed the extra time to just recover from having lost my friends, my cousin, and nearly my husband. Emotionally and spiritually, I was spent. Tony needed time to have a year that was free from assault, injury or seperation from us due to trauma. God knew we needed time. He gave it to us and He did it in a way that built us up, caused no loss to the Meem and as usual: gave time for others here in the US to come to Christ.

Yet, one year later, we are back at work full time with the Mesem New Testament. The situation in the Mesem area is such that working with the AG will only widen the acceptance of the New Testament among the Mesem. So three tired and discouraged people who left Papua New Guinea last year are now refreshed, supported, affirmed and able to focus on the only goal that really matters: That the Name of Jesus Christ is Exalted Among the Mesem.

I read yesterday, "A moment of God's favor is better than a year of our labors". Amen Lord. Pour on your favor, Oh Lord, that your Name is glorified.

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