I got to visit my college roommate and the one who sends all our newsletters, Joyce Turner. Joyce has made a huge difference in furthering the New Testament. Tony met a young man who is seeking God while playing basketball. We were able to enroll him in an online accredited high school so he will have the freedom to hike with his cousins, Dan and Tony when they come to PNG in September. I could stay with my mother so my father and dad would be free to visit Sicily. We could work with other missionaries still itinerating to create media presentations of their work. We've had a chance to get away for four days, albeit rainy, in northern Maine.
Now we are waiting and praying for a SPEEDY return of our work permits so we can process our visas to PNG. Our nephews are coming in September and we need to be in PNG and settled in good time before they get there. Our lease is running out here. Our housing and security situation in PNG is uncertain. There is much to pray about. There is much to trust God for.
The photo is taken of the streets of Boston on a rainy Tuesday afternoon. I love the city of Boston. The extra couple of weeks have allowed us to enjoy these wonderful things.
The closer we have gotten to completing the New Testament the more obstacles we have had to completing the New Testament.We ask you to pray that the documents we need will be here this week, and we can return to PNG within the next four weeks. Some things will only resolve with prayer. Please pray for resolution to our visa and know we pray as well and with thanksgiving for God's extra blessings as we wait.
Thanks for the kind words Kath!! I miss you already and the cooler temps - 110 degrees here today. Still praying for your docs to arrive, your house and for the perfect schooling for Tony!!
I wish so much that we could have seen you sometime in the last 3 years - the phone just doesn't cut it. Plus I wish I would have gotten my act together to have you help us with a media presentation :-) But I am only now it seems coming out of the fog to meet life a little more head on :-) I am praying that your work permits come soon so the visa's will be there soon. Love to you! Kayleen
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